Sunday, March 1, 2015

DNA Translation

* all definitions used are from McGraw-Hill Ryerson Biology 12 Textbook (Section 5.2)
APA citation: 
Braun, D., & Price, G. (2002). The Structure and Function of DNA. In Biology 12 (pp. 222-224). Whitby, Ont.: McGraw-Hill Ryerson.

Part 1:Initiation
1. mRNA: RNA that contains the genetic information of a gene and carries it to the protein synthesis machinery. It provides the information that determines the amino acid sequence of the protein.*
2. 5' AUG 3'
3. Ribosome
--> large subunit
--> small subunit

Part II: Elongation
4. tRNA (anticodons): reads codons, an RNA molecule that links the codons on mRNA to the corresponding amino acid for protein synthesis*
5. Codons: sequences of three nucleotide bases that specifies a particular amino acid or a stop codon*

6. Amino Acids
7. 3 sites

--> A (entrance): carries the tRNA carrying the growing polypetide chain
--> P (prision): carries the tRNA with the next amino acid
--> E (exit): tRNAs are discharged and leave the ribosome 

8. Peptide Bond: formed between the polypeptide in the P site with the new amino acid in the A site
--> separates the tRNA at the P site from the growing polypeptide chain and transfers the chain (now one amino acid longer) to the tRNA at the A site

Part III: Termination
9. Stop Codons: UAA, UAG, UGA
10. Everything disassociates.

How to transcribe a DNA sequence: 
1. Locate the TATA box
2. Identify the Coding Strand (similar to RNA) (5' TATA ------>3' AATAA)

3. Look for Terminator (AAUAA)
--> TTATT on Template Strand
--> AATAA on Coding Strand
4. Find introns
5. Find Start Codon and group the bases into 3s
6. Stop when a Stop Codon is approached.
7. Do not write "stop" when translating the sequence to amino acid sequence

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